Neighbors ,
As you know, the POA Board has been working to resolve the Storage Yard space issue. To date, we’ve inventoried all items, have requested several items be removed, and have marked proposed spaces. Our next goal is to assign spaces (methodology TBD) and hang space number signs. We believe we have approximately 70 spaces and can accommodate most of the current need. As part of this process, while marking proposed spaces, we believe we have an opportunity to tandem park (one in front of the other) in the front part of the lot where each space can accommodate 12ft x 40ft. As an example, I have a small jet ski trailer that is used a couple of times each year. I would be willing to partner with someone with a small boat trailer (~20ft) to tandem park. When one of us needs our trailer, we coordinate movement or just have an agreement to move either trailer if needed. For each tandem space, we free up an additional space elsewhere in the yard.
With this note, I’m asking for volunteers who would be willing to partner with someone to tandem park to allow the most efficient use of the storage area. As soon as we know how many tandem spaces we can fill, we can then determine how many open spaces we have and how many additional trailers we can accommodate. If you would like to volunteer, please respond to Heather Bath at by 5/14. There is no easy solution to this, but our goal is to first make the most efficient use of the space prior to pursuing other options – which frankly are limited and expensive.
David Megginson, for the POA Board.